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Message from Michael Hauser, Chairman/CEO

StarragTornos Group records year-on-year increase in sales and leap in profits on a pro forma basis.

The Year 2023 at a Glance

The shareholders of Starrag and Tornos approved the merger to form the StarragTornos Group by an overwhelming majority at the end of November 2023.


Net sales up from CHF 499.0 million
to CHF 564.7 million


EBIT* from CHF 29.6 million
to CHF 46.4 million

CHF 340.8 million

Order backlog* at the end of the year 
at a high level

* Non-GAAP financial measure, see page 125 in the 2023 Annual Report of the StarragTornos Group

Sustainability at StarragTornos

Our sustainability program Growing Sustainable takes a holistic approach, addressing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects across our products, facilities, and relationships with our suppliers, customers, and employees.

Growing Sustainable